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Embracing Growth Mindset, Failing Forward, and COVA Learning- EDLD 5302 

As I reach the end of the EDLD 5302 – Concepts of Educational Technology course in the Applied Digital Learning program, I'd like to take a moment to highlight some of the key insights and lessons I've gained from this experience. In this post, I will reflect on how this course has contributed to the development of my growth mindset, fostered a learner's mindset, and expanded my learning network as an educator and lifelong learner.


In this course, we explored a fundamental concept that has left a profound impact - the importance of nurturing a growth mindset. A growth mindset is a belief system where individuals think that their abilities, intelligence, and talents are not fixed traits but can be developed and improved with effort, learning, and perseverance. In other words, people with a growth mindset see challenges as opportunities for growth rather than as limitations. This mindset empowers individuals to approach challenges with resilience, actively seek opportunities for personal and professional growth, and embrace the philosophy of "not yet" and failing forward. To reinforce my understanding of these concepts, I had the privilege of crafting a growth mindset plan, not only for my personal development but also for the benefit of my colleagues. This comprehensive plan includes specific strategies and actionable steps to foster a growth mindset in ourselves and others. It delineates approaches to navigate moments when a fixed mindset may emerge and highlights a curated set of resources that can aid in the cultivation of a growth mindset, both individually and collectively.


Another key concept I've understood through the Concepts of Educational Technology course is the value of cultivating a learner's mindset. A learning mindset is a powerful perspective that positively impacts one's approach to education and personal growth. It encompasses a set of attitudes and beliefs that empower individuals to thrive in various aspects of life. Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, cultivating curiosity, and maintaining resilience are key aspects of this mindset. Those with a learning mindset are open to feedback, adaptable in the face of change, and persistent in their pursuit of knowledge and improvement. My learning manifesto has enabled me to express my convictions, principles, aspirations, and anticipations concerning learning. It is a valuable instrument that has allowed me to clarify my stance on learning and link it to my overarching purpose.


In this course, I also had the opportunity to explore the value of networking. Networking is the process of building and nurturing professional relationships with individuals or groups who can provide support and opportunities for your personal and career development. It involves connecting with people in your field or industry to exchange information, gain knowledge, discover job openings, find mentors, and access valuable resources. Throughout this course, I've expanded my personal learning network significantly. I've connected with classmates who have shared valuable insights, feedback, resources, and opportunities. Likewise, I've reciprocated by contributing to their learning through my insights, feedback, and shared resources. In a blog post, I explored the advantages of networking in education, shedding light on the educational networks I actively engage with.


I am dedicated to further enhancing my ePortfolio and its organizational structure as I progress through the ADL program. The foundational principles of growth mindset, failing forward, and COVA learning will remain at the core of my educational philosophy, guiding my approach to lifelong learning and educational innovation.


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