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Understanding By Design

Comparison with Fink's 3 Column Table


The UbD template focuses on backward design, starting with desired outcomes and assessments before planning instructional activities. Fink's 3 Column Table emphasizes situational factors, learning activities, and assessments in tandem. UbD might be more effective for a comprehensive overview, ensuring alignment with overarching goals. Fink's table offers a detailed exploration of specific learning activities and assessments, beneficial for immediate planning.

Reflection on Design Processes


The UbD approach has strengthened my ability to identify desired results, plan assessments, and align activities to achieve learning goals systematically. Fink's table helped in considering situational factors and immediate activity-based planning, aiding in more detailed instructional design. Combining both has broadened my perspective on designing learning environments, ensuring alignment with goals and providing detailed planning for effective instruction.

These approaches will immensely aid in my innovation plan by enabling a comprehensive understanding of learning objectives, diverse assessments, and detailed activity planning for a cohesive and effective learning environment.



Fink, L. D. (2003). Creating significant learning experiences:  An integrated approach to designing college courses.  San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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