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Implementation Outline

Building Portfolios, Building Futures: Implementing ePortfolios for Student Success


  • Establish learning goals and objectives

  • Communicate the innovation plan:

    • Administrators - Would you be open to granting permission for me to pilot my innovation plan, with the aim of expanding its implementation?

    • Teachers - Are you willing to join me in learning and supporting students as we embark on this endeavor?

    • Parents - Would you be open to supporting your child as they explore and enhance their learning through digital creation?

    • Students - Are you ready to take responsibility for your ePortfolio and consistently develop it as you learn and progress?



  • Learning Goals & Objectives

    • How will ePortfolios enhance learning?

      • Facilitate student reflection

      • Foster personalized learning

      • Increase engagement 

      • Encourage collaboration

  • What pieces of information are students adding to ePortfolios?

    • Teacher guided options

      • Coursework and assignments

      • Reflections and Self-Assessment

      • Educational achievements

    • Student choice

  • Platform

    • Wix, Weebly, Google sites, etc. 

  • Devices

    • 1:1 Ipads (already have)

  • Reflection Planning

    • Prepare administrator and teacher survey 

    • Prepare self-reflection survey for students 



  • Start with one elementary class, one middle school class, and one High school class

  • Exhibit to students a variety of ePortfolio examples. 

    • What was notable?

    • What changes would you make?

    • Was the navigation of the ePortfolio straightforward?

  • Present the concept of crafting a personal ePortfolio.

    • Inspire and ignite students' enthusiasm

      • Encourage them to unleash their creativity, allowing their personalities to shine through color, design, and the addition of original content

      • Empower students with full ownership of the project

      • Talk about how they have the opportunity to unleash their creativity and infuse their ePortfolios with original content, enabling them to showcase their unique perspectives and ideas.

    • Examine the advantages of developing a personal ePortfolio.

      • Provide suggestions while encouraging students to independently discover the advantages of creating their own ePortfolio.21

  • Creation of ePortfolio

    • Encourage students to explore different platforms and select the preferred platform and starting template for their ePortfolios.

    • Empower students to select content that showcases their learning progress, which they can then share and reflect upon with their peers or cohorts.

    • Allocate dedicated time for students to engage in creative development.

  • Ongoing effort

    • Students will maintain a consistent posting schedule on their ePortfolios.

      • Choose a notable assignment from each subject area.

      • Promote continued growth and progress at home.

  • Evaluation

    • Take a look at the ePortfolios created by students.

    • Engage in conversations with students to discuss their learning experiences.

      • Did they assume responsibility for their learning?

      • Did they perceive the learning as genuine and significant?



  • Share ePortfolios with parents, teachers, and administrators to facilitate collaboration.

  • Conduct surveys with administrators, teachers, and students to gather insights.

  • Engage in reflection regarding the interconnections between learning, implementation, and the introduction of ePortfolios.

  • Deliver the outcomes and insights derived from the experimental implementation and the surveys conducted with parents, teachers, and students.


PHASE 5 - EXPANSION (August 2024 - May 2025)

  • Initiate the creation of ePortfolios at the beginning of the upcoming school year 

  • Encourage students who previously developed ePortfolios to continue their progress.

  • Facilitate department-wide discussions on the implementation of ePortfolios.

  • Allocate professional development time for planning and strategizing.

  • Teachers can also utilize provided examples of pre-made ePortfolios as references.

  • Utilize team/  teachers to share findings throughout the year

  • Emphasize the importance of commitment and follow-through from all teachers in the department.

Peer Review

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