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Influencing Change

  Implementing ePortfolios for Student Success

Setting the Foundation


  1. Results to Achieve and Measurement Metrics:

    • The primary result I aim to achieve is the successful integration of e-portfolios into Crosby ISD, enhancing student learning and engagement.

    • Measurement Metrics:

      • Increased student engagement in their learning process, assessed through surveys and classroom participation.

      • Enhanced academic performance and skills development, measured through standardized assessments and e-portfolio evaluations.

      • Increased parent involvement and understanding of their child's educational progress, gauged by parent feedback and participation rates in e-portfolio reviews.

      • Improved teacher satisfaction and effectiveness in using e-portfolios as an instructional tool, evaluated through teacher surveys and classroom observations.

  2. Vital Behaviors to Change:

    • The vital behaviors I seek to change include:

      • Students actively curating and updating their e-portfolios to reflect their learning journey.

      • Teachers incorporating e-portfolios as a regular part of their instructional practices.

      • Parents regularly engaging with their child's e-portfolios to monitor progress and provide support.

      • School administrators promoting and facilitating e-portfolio adoption throughout the institution.

  3. Identification of Organizational Influencers:

    • Within Crosby ISD, I have identified the following key influencers:

      • Teachers who are early adopters and champions of e-portfolios.

      • Parent-teacher associations (PTAs) and parent representatives.

      • School administrators and department heads.

      • Students who can serve as advocates and role models for their peers.

      • External educational experts or consultants who can provide guidance.











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